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Read our blog for fresh ideas and perspectives

Demand Spaces give you three things: a map of where you can win; clues as to how you can win; a footing for working out what you can win...
We believe that hybrid principles are important for all clients, irrespective of whether you have a customer database or not...
The final piece of the puzzle is about understanding how hybrid segmentation can revolutionise...
Here we delve into two key benefits of hybrid segmentation, to gain a competitive advantage and achieve...
Now, let’s dive deeper into how hybrid segmentation can supercharge customer engagement, transforming...
Segmentation has long been a fundamental strategy for businesses seeking to understand their customers better...
In this final blog, we will show you how you can put segmentation into action. In particular, how it can help you ‘be everywhere’ and ‘adapt all of the time
Continuing our blog series on activating segments, Customer…
Introducing the single biggest barrier to effective…