STRAT7 Bonamy Finch

Online Brand Tracking for a leading cancer charity, powered by

Testing key hypotheses and benchmarking performance for a leading UK restaurant brand.


A leading UK cancer charity wanted to complement their survey tracking with online tracking for two purposes:

  1. To help ‘fill the gaps’ on perceptions around smaller campaigns, which couldn’t all be asked about in the questionnaire design.
  2. To evaluate the brand against its competitor set and understand what makes it stand out, in the context of those donating / fundraising and those receiving cancer support.


A robust data pipeline to collect mentions around the charity and competitors each month, from various social sources and online forums. This pipeline included a model to identify the context of the conversation. And a visual ‘always on’ online dashboard to help feed continuous insights each survey wave.


The dashboard and data pipeline enabled deep dives including:

  • The distinctive language used to describe charity
  • Analysing what ‘local’ means to those connected to the charity
  • Objective analysis of how the online campaigns were performing

Using, we extracted 40,000 mentions and rapidly created a searchable data dictionary of shows to search through the unstructured text.

Craig Milligan

Global Head of Consumer Analytics & Insights | Decision Sciences, Diageo​