People live their lives online interacting with each other, expressing their identity and telling the world their opinions, experiences and beliefs in their own unfettered language through myriad channels.

Recent research suggests UK adults spend an average of almost 9 hours online each day. And if anything, this is likely an underestimate, given this is based on people’s claimed behaviour, rather than a true account of their work and leisure habits

Data Access ≠ Actionable Insight

Given the proliferation of unstructured data (90% of data generated is now unstructured) and the sprawling array of online monitoring and listening tools, you’d be forgiven to assume that there is now a ‘tried and tested’ way to analyse consumers’ conversations. However, based on experience and third party research, many companies are not unlocking the actionable insights they need from unstructured data.

While access to surface level insights such as trending hashtags, sentiment scores and verbatim feedback all related to your brand and product portfolio are easy to access, they often fail to knit together a coherent story that can genuinely improve decision making and strategic choices. This is where comes in. Our unstructured data solution to unlocking deeper, unconscious truths.

What holds most companies back?

There are two dominant approaches to unstructured data analysis, neither of which is ideal on their own.

1. The ‘top down’ approach

This approach usually involves paying for an off-the-shelf self-service platform or committing significant resource internally to social listening capabilities. The goal is to generate a centralised ‘top-down’ view of the world by collecting and visualising data related to your business. But many of these dashboards lack actionable insight and aren’t tied coherently to business goals or questions.
2. The ‘bottom up’ approach
The second approach is more actionable. It involves reading lots of individual posts, reviews or survey feedback and contextualising the consumer experiences from the ‘bottom up’. But it’s often impossible to process the volume of inputs, extrapolate the meaningful themes and serve up actionable insight.
What’s needed is rich, powerful data analysis that fits somewhere in the middle of these two approaches.

From unstructured data to powerful insights using

Designed for your core questions delivers bespoke analysis to specific business questions. Our solution is often more effective than ‘off-the-shelf’ tools because the analysis is always focused on your core question(s). We start by building an issue tree with you, which breaks down your core question(s) in a systematic way. This provides the specificity you need to make decisions that are uniquely relevant to your business.

Collecting the ‘right’ data for your questions

We work closely with your insight, marketing and data teams to understand exactly what data sources, markets, languages and competitors to collect data from facilitates rapid analysis of thousands of data sources by including social platforms, review sites, forums, blogs, expert opinions and any internal datasets (e.g. store feedback). Through experience, we’ve developed a range of techniques to eliminate ‘noisy’ data – including potential fake reviews, bot activity and posts which have little relevance to your business questions. This contrasts with the standard indiscriminate approach to collecting and analysing data, which often leads to low data quality and fidelity.   

Actionable business intelligence

Our machine learning technology automates tasks that can’t be performed by human analysts (e.g. tagging every review with a topic or labelling every review with an emotion). But we don’t just rely on algorithms alone to deliver these insights, like most platforms. Our team of customer, culture and brand experts apply human understanding to the findings, tailoring them to your business question. It’s this combination of technology and expert analytics that results in valuable business intelligence.

How our clients benefit from this

Unlocked, open-ended, untapped insights excels in uncovering insights to questions that you haven’t explicitly defined. These ‘untapped insights’ or ‘unknown knowns’ can only be revealed through deep, structured exploration of online conversations. While you can still set research questions in the usual way, can find the answers without the requisite need for a prescriptive survey questionnaire.

For instance, we recently looked at tens of thousands of online reviews and social posts for a large UK restaurant chain client and some competitors. We found a sharp decline in mentions after teenagers’ 18th birthday (vs. competitors) and found no evidence for a ‘North – South’ divide in emotional connection to the brand (a client hypothesis). These types of valuable insights are intractable through primary research and social listening platforms alone.

Sharpened competitive edge

We quantitatively benchmark the performance of your business (and product portfolio) against your competitors by collecting data across many brands in your market. Since we have access to millions of conversations and are skilled at eliminating ‘noise’ from the data, these results are more robust than other approaches.

An example of this is a deep dive report we performed for a wireless headphone manufacturer. By collecting 100,000s of reviews from lots of markets and competitors, we were able to pinpoint that the brand’s battery and charging performance was regressing vs. the rest of the market and find the unique words that customers were using in their complaints. This helped to focus the marketing team’s efforts on the product descriptions for their products and delve further into this through bespoke qualitative research.

Saved time and money

We collect data at speed and at a fraction of the time of primary research and annual subscriptions to online listening platforms. This means is well suited to dovetail established survey-based projects, as well as deliver on standalone projects with relatively quick timelines. And with rapid data collection comes greater cost efficiency, boosting the return on your investment.

Discover how to unlock deeper, unconscious truths using unstructured data in our comprehensive ebook.

Find out more

In short, uses deep exploration to answer your burning questions through the opinions, experiences and beliefs of consumers’ natural convers/ations. At scale, these opinions are the ‘unconscious truths’ that other tools are likely to miss.

Interested in finding out more?

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