STRAT7 Bonamy Finch

Tap into the power of unstructured data.

Unstructured data like text, video and audio accounts for 80-90% of all data (Forbes). Yet only 18% of organisations say they’re able to take advantage of such a vast, untapped resource (Deloitte).

In this Ebook, we discuss how businesses can incorporate unstructured data into their understanding of markets, categories, consumers and touchpoints. To drive more effective and tactical choices, and gain a competitive advantage.

What’s included?

  • Why unstructured data = BIG opportunity
  • What’s holding companies back?
  • How to bring structure to unstructured data using
  • Uncover insight that truly represents what people think, feel and do
  • A framework for solving business problems from big picture contextual understanding to informing strategy, planning and tactics
  • Client case studies

Meet the team

Jonathan Stone

Director – Incite

Paul Jackson

Managing Director – Bonamy Finch

Hasdeep Sethi

Senior Data Scientist uses deep exploration to answer your burning questions through the opinions, experiences and beliefs of consumers’ natural conversations. At scale, these opinions are the ‘unconscious truths’ that other tools are likely to miss.

Interested in finding out more?