STRAT7 Bonamy Finch

“Low quality data is bad for all research – but even more so for segmentations. Low differentiation, inconsistent responses and incomplete answers can all lead to poor segment solutions.”

Good quality data is critical for segmentation programmes.
Questionnaire design is also critical. Ask balanced, useful, discriminating, sensible questions. Pilot the questionnaire with real people, in person. Make sure that the questionnaire is as respondent friendly and as unambiguous as possible.
Pay extra for back-translation of key questionnaire sections like needs and attitudes that are culturally consistent across the markets that you are covering. Include a whole range of data quality checks. As well as ensuring the quality and robustness of the data collected, you must also ensure a detailed analysis that will yield results.

“Segmentation is a real specialism in the insight world, and we would advise that you tread with caution when selecting a partner in this area. Not only do we deliver for big brands but we often work through other agencies due to our expertise in this area."

STRAT7 Bonamy Finch runs around 100 segmentations a year, using our own purpose-built software. We know which approaches are best suited to different situations, and which aren’t. We cut through all the data wrangling as quickly as possible, avoiding analytical dead-ends so we can focus on testing different hypotheses and tweaking different solutions. We create outputs that are easy-to-use and automated, taking away all the heavy lifting from your team.